Site FAQ

Site FAQ

Riverborn Knives makes more than just knives. We’re also blacksmiths, gunsmiths, and woodworkers. Most gunsmithing and wood working will stay in the ‘Posts‘ section, but blacksmithing projects may come up for sale occasionally and will be listed in theCurrently Available Items.

We are located on the banks of the Big River in Cedar Hill Missouri. Many pictures are taken along the river and even some handle material is sourced from drifts.

Replacement Policy

Our replacement policy: We guarantee all blades against breakage in normal use. This does not cover using a blade as a pry bar/chisel/screw driver/etc. If any evidence of this is apparent they will not be replaced. In the case a blade does break we will simply ask for high quality pictures of the blade and the break, and also a high quality close up picture of the grain of the steel at the break. For most cases this will be enough to determine if there was a flaw in our workmanship. If you are unable to take clear quality photos, or if the blade needs further examination to determine if we were at fault, then we ask that you ship the blade back to us (mailing information will be provided). The customer will have to pay return shipping.


A big thank you to everyone who made this website possible. We are deeply thankful for all their support.