Please know that there is a fake personal Facebook account clamming to be Riverborn Knives. Riverborn Knives is a public Facebook page only, not a private account. This private account is sharing our post in an attempt to appear as if it were us. If you received a friend or message request please ignore and report it not only to us but to Facebook too. We are in fact having a knife give away but we will never post any links to follow and most definitely will never ask for your credit card or other personal information, remember we’re old school, we only accept checks or money orders as payment. When we do the give away, and if you win, the only information we would ever ask for would be your name and address – that’s it. A Link to our REAL Facebook page can be found at the bottom of this page.

Stay safe, stay aware,


You may notice that some images around the website are being updated with watermarks, we are doing this in a attempt to deter potential scammers from stealing our pictures and scamming people out of their hard earned money with stolen pictures of a blade or other work that they didn’t make and don’t have to sell. We only sell our work on this website, listed social media accounts, and in person. Our social media links can be found at the bottom of the page. If you see work that looks like ours elsewhere we urge you to contact us, we’ll investigate it and try our best to get them shut down. Thank you for your help, and stay safe out there.