Iron Smelting July 2022

Smelt report, July 2022:

The fire was lit and tools prepared at 6:40 A.M. and the last swing of the hammer was around 11:30 A.M. resulting in a almost 5 hour operation. I started with around 60 pounds of ore, 8 pounds of bloom fluff, and 5 pounds of slag. Everything was charged at a 1:1 ratio of 1 pound. 5-1 one pound charges of slag were charged at the end of the preheat to begin the formation of a slag bath.


This smelt yield a 10 pound poorly compacted bloom. Unfortunately with the struggles of trying to get the bloom broken free I lost precious time to consolidate the bloom. 40 pounds of slag was recovered, and 6-7 pounds of bloom fluff and iron bits.


I don’t often post pictures of the building and preparation of the furnace and raw materials, so here’s a short photo gallery of that.

Perhaps next smelt I’ll post a step by step manual with pictures describing raw material selection and preparation, furnace construction, furnace operation, and working the iron bloom.

I’m not an expert nor will I ever be, but perhaps my bit of knowledge that I’ve gained through trial-and-error can help my fellow smiths who wish to journey down the ancient road of iron smelting.